ASP Apparel

The transition to the new branding for ASP (Advanced Sterilization Products) has opened up opportunities to create and distribute new apparel to employees. Featured here are the shirt designs for the 2020 interns and employees who volunteer local events.  

Tektronix Apparel

Like many companies Tektronix is focused on promoting it’s employees interests. One way to support the different events hosted and sponsored by the company is to provide shirts and apparel featuring that event.



Hood to coast shirt

The Hood to Coast relay is an annual run that runs (no pun intended) from Mount Hood to Seaside on the Oregon coast. Running and walking teams from Tektronix annually compete in this race spanning 320 kilometers.

Designing a shirt that reflected the corporate brand mark, the Forward Angle, came naturally and the shape of the mountain quickly took on that brand mark



WSBU launch

Tektronix underwent an organizational restructuring in 2017 with the intent of better focusing on the most important market segments that it services. In this restructuring a new division, the Wideband Solutions Business Unit, was created. To commemorate the formation of this team a shirt was commissioned that featured the focus of this new team, wireless and digital communications.



Corporate volunteering

Supporting and helping the community is a focus of many companies and Tektronix is no different. When the need for new shirts for volunteers was discovered I quickly created one that reflected both the individual and corporate contributions.



Bring your kid to work day 2017 & 2018

This annual event is something that everyone looks forward to and Tektronix has always provided events focused on the STEM fields. In 2017 the company also started giving shirts to the kids in attendance, this continued in 2018 with a second shirt design.

Tektronix Sport Apparel

Soccer Jersey
Working with a local print vendor we were able to locate a manufacturer who not only had sports jerseys available but was able to indelibly print a design onto them. This indelible process was highly important as a traditionally printed shirt, with large printed areas of graphics, would have quickly become hot and uncomfortable for the players.

Cycling team kit
The cycling team updates their gear on a regular basis and were interested in finding a design that was not as dark as in years past to avoid issues of overheating. Working with Castelli, a major producer of cycling gear, a unified design for the entire kit was created. The available kits included bib shorts and jersey, as well as arm and leg warmers that matched the areas they were aligned with on the cyclist.

Holmans Restaurant

Holmans, a local Portland restaurant, is known to run promotions and contests to encourage more patronage. The creation of their now well known Whiskey Club was kicked off with a T-Shirt design that was reminiscent of several whiskey varieties, though sought after the shirts are only available to individuals who have qualified for membership in the club thereby limiting the number that are available and in circulation.

Hampton Woods Paddling Club Attire

Hampton Woods Paddling Club, one of Portland’s oldest dragon boat teams, was in need of new jerseys and hoodies for the upcoming season. Taking advantage of the initials of the team a simple but recognizable apparel set was created, the previous team colors were taken into consideration when the new jerseys and sweat shirts were ordered.

Viso Brand Concept Shirts