CFARE leave behind

The Council on Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics wanted an informational brochure to give to elected officials. Working with the client a double gate fold brochure was selected to best present the information and be visually interesting enough to encourage people to read it after the CFARE representative was no longer in their office. This design took advantage of the unique folds of a double gate fold to showcase the most important information on the first interior spread. It also allowed the large block of copy to live together on one large flat.

CFARE study brochure

The Council on Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics, in conjunction with the CHS Foundation, needed a brochure that showcased the findings of an agricultural study that had recently been completed. The piece, intended for law makers, needed to be informative but easy to digest. A standard bi-fold design was selected to allow each “Key Finding” of the study to stand independently on it’s own panel.

ASP Hiring process handout

ASP (Advanced Sterilization Products) was in need of a new handout to help executive new hires understand the onboarding process. The piece had to be both informative and an easy tool for both the candidate and their recruiter to refer to throughout the process.

Fire Engine Operation Posters

Red Springs Fire Department was looking for a visual aid to help new volunteer fire fighters understand how to operate the different trucks they use. Through the design process a system to illustrate both the plumbing and control panels of the individual trucks was developed. Today these posters are hung in the fire station and used as a teaching tool.

Shield n Shine flyer

Shield n Shine was in need of both a promotional brochure for the business as well as a visual identity. Working together we discovered a color scheme that matched the business. From there a type and image style was developed to create an engaging and easy to ready brochure.

Tektronix Product “How to’s”

Tektronix provides many different solutions to it’s customers for testing devices and circuitry. These solutions are referred to as Probing Solutions, they literally allow the user to probe the device for specific electrical currents to identify how it is, or more importantly sometimes how it isn’t, working.


These Probing Solution devices can be complex and require that the user operates them in a certain manner to ensure proper function. To help facilitate this “how to” guides are commonly created and included with the product.