The CHEC tool has evolved over time to interact with, and handle data from, many different external sources. Unfortunately, the requested data isn’t always received or sent fast enough to match the parameters set by web browsers. As infrastructure issues arose it became clear that users were being given very little help when an error did occur.

Working with the Product Servicing Team a set of helpful steps were created, these steps clarified what needed to be provided when reporting an error. That text would later be updated based on observed user behavior patterns to improve the quality of information they sent in with their reports.

A set of helpful steps were created by engaging the Product Servicing Team, these steps clarified what needed to be provided when reporting an error. That text would later be updated based on observed user behavior patterns to improve the quality of information they sent in with their report.

Final messaging solution

Beta messaging solution

Original messaging

Six illustrations were created to be displayed when an error occurred. The illustration surfaced is randomly selected, this will hopefully surprise the user and inject a little levity into an otherwise frustrating situation. When the method for handling certain error types was updated, the illustrations were incorporated into the design solution.

Through testing it was discovered that timeout errors were being grouped in with all other error types. To improve the behavior and allow the user to return to the exact content they were working with before the timeout a modal approach was adopted.

Timeout modal example

Original system behavior diagram

Updated system behavior diagram

Decision tree: Error type presentation