A new application, created using standard Windows framework tools, was in the beta phase when it was submitted for cosmetic review. In an effort to update the look & feel to match the Tektronix software applications, rather than Microsoft applications, a series of design suggestions were provided.

This included updates to color, layout, and interaction design. During this process the workflow was also reviewed in order to improve the user experience. The original approach was extremely nuanced and required users to have a deep technical knowledge in order to properly operate it. Suggestions were presented to unify the workflows and make the application more approachable to reduce user abandonment.

Below are before and after samples of the application during the beta phase.

Pattern Sequencer Review

Application Plug-in

An application that is used alongside the Pattern Sequencer was also being developed at the same time was also submitted for review. Having been created using standard Windows framework tools it received similar feedback as the Pattern Sequencer shown above. Below are before and after samples of the application during the beta phase.